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Why did the Van Houtte horse business in France falter?


That is a question that has bothered me since in the original story of “La Famille Van Houtte,” I take a few assumptions, for which I believed I was writing with context, but did not possess all the facts.

My answers were with Christophe Van Houtte, son of Albert-Louis. I conducted a few interviews and even have recordings, yet never managed to get the answer. The very sad event is that Christophe passed away, while I was in deep research….my key source of fact was no longer there.

I believe to have figured out why Albert-Louis went to Canada, why he started with the Percheron horse breed business, but not what factually happened for him to leave France. His business was going through a difficult period; this we know from Christophe and Pierre Van Houtte (youngest child of Albert-Louis). However, we (I) do not know why that business started to falter.

In “La Famille Van Houtte,” I attributed the arrival of the automobile as the problem, but that is just not realistic. The automobile really took force after Albert-Louis was already in Canada.

Who can know this? Do you, reader, have an answer?

Was it:

– a poisoned inheritance?

– the economic environment?

– Albert-Louis?

– the family feud that strained relationships following the inheritance?

– something else?

This needs to be answered and I will take time to do so.

If you have any information (ideally with facts), theories or hearsay, please provide this information here….it will be very much appreciated.

From → Van Houtte Story

One Comment
  1. Helene Van Houtte permalink

    Check out this site:

    They are “capsules” on famillies in Quebec on the television chanel TVA, they are short and interesting. Van Houtte would be a good one to ask for and I think you’re the right person to do so. You might want to check out with Oncle Pierre, perhaps it is already in the making.

    Thought you’d be interested, small thing but it might be a spot for promoting your book 😉


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